

Surf Camp 13 is a surf safari that provided more than just a surfing experience. They combined masterclasses, celebrity appearances, and fun parties into one experience. The main program of the camp included surfing lessons that covered both the theoretical and practical elements of surfing on the coast and in the ocean. Their program additionally included DJ sets, stand-up comedy, and a sunset party. On the day of the planned safari, it also included watching sharks and manta rays.

When the organizers of Surf Camp 13 originally contacted us and told us about their requirement for an all-inclusive yacht from the Maldives, we knew exactly what they needed. The Alice yacht is one of our best yachts available and was perfectly suited for their requirements.

Each cabin onboard the Alice yacht feels like a room in a boutique hotel. The interiors are masterfully decorated with natural design motifs that consider thoughtful ergonomics and provide plenty of light and space. There are also plenty of watersports options available, which the guests enjoyed. Surfing was the obvious fan favorite since it was a surfing camp, but guests also took to snorkeling as they wished to explore the underwater world of the Maldivian archipelago.

The surf safari also featured Russian hip-hop performer Timati as the main performer. But they also brought other celebrity guests, such as comedian Pavel Dedishchev, TV presenter Ilya Sobolev, and DJs Philchansky and MEG. The safari started on May 13 and ended on May 22 This gave the guests plenty of time to hit the waves, improve their surfing skills, and swim with the indigenous Maldivian fish.

If you are interested in going on a cruise onboard the Alice or any one of our other yachts, send us an email at